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An introduction to behaviour change theory, audience engagement and developing an initiative.
Environment & Climate Campaigners, Sustainability Professionals and Waste Warriors engage people outside the eco echo-chamber.

2 timeslots available
Choose when buying your ticket(s) for 12:30-2pm or 5-6:30 pm
>>>Recordings and slides available if you can’t join live

About you

Are you working on:

  • Environmental issues
  • The 3 P’s of sustainability
  • Waste reduction
  • Carbon reduction and the climate crisis
  • Net-zero and scope 3 emissions
  • Nature connection

As a passionate environmental advocate, you know that you need other people to take action to achieve the changes required for climate, nature and people!

But inspiring that kind of change can be hard…

If you try to motivate people with stats, facts and consequences, they often just bury their head in the sand – because the truth can be scary.

And getting people to prioritise and take action, without overwhelming them, can be a challenge.

Understanding behaviour change principles can help you:

  • Drive change without having to win hearts and minds
  • Make it easier for people to take action
  • Find new angles and engagement opportunities
  • Communicate your message with confidence
  • Implement your strategies and meet your targets
  • Create and run inspiring campaigns that lead to meaningful, widespread change

Join Sustainability and Behaviour Change Consultant, Livvy Drake for these 1.5 hour online workshops, where she will show you how behaviour change principles, audience segmentation and frameworks for developing initiatives can transform your approach to driving change.

Series offer

Join for the first session on behaviour change principles OR sign up for the series with a significant discount and the opportunity to get ideas and insights for your specific challenges in the two subsequent interactive workshops.

*Accessible pricing*

To make these sessions accessible there is tiered pricing with suggestions for different types of organisations and individuals. Thank you for paying the price point you can afford. This will support the scholarship places and the charity that is receiving 10% of the proceeds.

  • Corporate: Theory session £69 or £99 for the series
  • SME’s & Non- Profits: Theory session £49 or £79  for the series
  • Solopreneur Consultants: Theory session £39 or £69 for the series 
  • Individual Eco Warriors: Theory session £19 or £49 for the series
  • Unemployed/ Students: Theory session £12 or £42 for the series

About the sessions:

Behaviour Change Theory for Environmental Changemakers 

7th March @ 12.30-2pm & 5-6:30pm* (GMT) 

Following this workshop you will understand:

  • The barriers and motivators to behaviour change
  • Why awareness and education is not enough to drive change
  • The basics on how to communicate through a behavioual science lens

Understanding your Audiences Behaviour
 – How can you change behaviour if you haven’t walked in your audiences’ shoes?

14th March @ 12.30-2pm & 5-6:30pm* (GMT

During this workshop, we will use practical tools used by designers and behavioural psychologists to get into the day-to-day lives of the people you want to engage and identify opportunities for interventions and communications

Following this workshop you will be able to:

  • Get into the mindset of your existing and ideal audiences
  • Map out their day-to-day lives to understand what leads to their choices, habits and behaviours
  • Identify opportunities for communication, engagement and behaviour change
  • Use these principles to increase your audience base
  • Develop effective campaigns for different audiences
Developing a Behaviour Change Initiative – Simple steps to plan an environmental behaviour campaign that creates change without the need to guilt-trip people.

21st March @ 12.30-2pm & 5-6:30pm* (GMT) 

Focused firmly on the people whose behaviour you would like to change, you will come away with:

  • A chance to ‘ideate’ on your challenge with a group of other changemakers
  • A step-by-step process to understand the ‘problem’ you are trying to solve
  • Problem-solving techniques which allow you to think ‘outside of the box’
  • Tips and tricks to push people towards your desired behaviour without guilt tripping them about the environment
  • Communication tools to support your initiative

*if less than 10’ people sign up, The Sustainable Sidekicks reserve the right to cancel these sessions

About the trainer

Lead Sidekick Livvy Drake has been working with the principles of behaviour change since 2015 when she started working on waste and plastics campaigns.

As a Sustainability practitioner, she identified that fellow sustainability leads and environmentalists were limiting the impact of their work by falling into the traps of assuming awareness raising was enough to drive change, or communicating their own values and drivers and being frustrated when others didn’t respond like they did.

Since 2018 Livvy has been delivering online and face-to-face behaviour change training. Clients include: Arla Foods, Chartered Institute of Waste Managers, Travel West, Staffordshire Business and Environment Network), Oxford Instruments Plasma, Bristol Waste, Bachy Solentoche.

Testimonials from past participants:

These workshops have been delivered to 910 attendees since 2020 

“Thank you for the workshops over the last three weeks and for these resources. I found each of the sessions really interesting and it was great that they were so interactive to be able to develop our ideas and thought processes. I’ll definitely be using what I’ve learnt in future projects as encouraging sustainable behaviour changes to colleagues across the Trust with different motivations will be a key part of my role going forward.” – Lloyd Caroline (RJC) Sustainability Officer South Warks UFT

“Thank you, very informative and will make me think differently about ‘Johns’ from now on.” – Lucie Long

EAST – working through examples of this process, having been introduced to some of the theory and background to behaviour change was invaluable. I’ve been able to use EAST as a way to reflect on current practices and example on how changes could be implemented too. It’s a really approachable mechanism – THANK YOU! – Anne Sharp

“Aha moments: the importance of positive messages and encouraging right behaviours by reducing friction.” – Greg Cooper, Front of Mind Coaching

“I liked the presentation of the theories backed up with concrete examples relevant to sustainability. With so much content, I’ll definitely be going back through the slides to answer the questions you asked.” – Heather Davies, Communications Consultant

“I think it’s been really interesting to get the reminder that other people won’t be persuaded by thinking ‘I need to do this for the planet’ and to relate it to their benefits.” – Kathryn Cook, Change Communications Manager, LSBU


There is a scholarship programme available for campaigners from marginalised and underrepresented communities. Please email through the contact box to get a free place.

10% to support grassroots project

This workshop will support the work SustyVibes, a community where young people with a passion for a just world come together to connect and design new ways of living, for ourselves, our planet and the world at large, based in Nigeria.


Photo credit: Unsplash

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