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Join us for an insightful event focused on embracing the challenges and opportunities associated with energy and grid balancing. Decarbonising our energy systems is essential if we are to address the climate crisis. It also makes business sense, ensuring energy security and an efficient use of our energy consumption.

Discover innovative solutions and explore strategies that can help synchronize electricity consumption with production, paving the way for a sustainable energy future.

We are looking forward to welcoming Good Energy to speak at this event. More speakers to be announced.

This event is free to Future Leap members and coworkers, and open to everyone. Attendance includes sustainably sourced breakfast and refreshments.


  • 8am – 8:20am – Breakfast and Networking
  • 8:20am – 8:30am – Welcome and Housekeeping
  • 8:30am – 8:45am – Speaker TBA
  • 8:45am – 9am – Tom Parsons, Director of Sales and Origination, Good Energy – Time-based renewable energy matching
  • 9am – 9:15am – Gerald Charles, Head of Retrofit, Centre for Sustainable Energy – Vehicle to Grid
  • 9:15am – 9:45am – Q&A
  • 9:45am – 9:50am – Mentimeter
  • 9:50am – 9:55am – 60 Second Pitches
  • 9:55am – 10am – Close
  • 10am – 10:30am – Optional Further Networking


Photo credit: Unsplash

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