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Low Traffic Future are delighted to announce a series of regional events in England, to help guide campaigners through the fascinating world of your Local Transport Plan (LTP).

LTPs are an important part of transport planning in England. Local and Combined Authorities are expected to prepare them as forward-looking plans covering a number of years, and present them to the Department for Transport.

Why should you be interested? Well, if you care about green, clean and healthy transport in England, they represent a fantastic opportunity to shape the priorities in your area. Better buses! Better trains and light rail! More investment in walking and cycling and joined up thinking around shared transport, electric vehicles and managing freight and deliveries!

All of these items can and should be included and our events will help you make sure they are. You’ll learn about what Local Transport Plans are and why they are so important. You’ll hear about exciting things like ‘Quantifiable Carbon Reductions’! More than that, you’ll meet with a room full of engaged and enthusiastic people keen to help you work towards a future where everyone can travel in a way that is clean, healthy and good for local business.

We’re charging a small fee to help cover the cost of lunch and refreshments. Doors will open at 10am and you can find an indicative running order below. We’ll update this in the run up to the event so you can see which experts will be attending.

Photo credit: Unsplash

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