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Pop down to your local People Planet Pint meetup to find more about what’s going on locally with sustainability and how you can get involved

Pop down to your local People Planet Pint meetup to find more about what’s going on locally with sustainability and how you can get involved.

No pitches, powerpoints or panels. Just People, Planet, Pint/s.

Your local meetup is a great place to start your journey or continue learning, and meet diverse people to chat about life and how we can sustain it. Every job is a climate job, so come along and learn about how you can take action, as well as what is going on locally.

We welcome everyone, regardless of their experience or background. People Planet Pint is a space where everyone can feel comfortable learning about sustainability and sharing their ideas.

Afterall, creating a sustainable future requires connected communities. And what better way to bring everyone together than over a drink?


Viens nous retrouver à l’événement People Planet Pint locale pour en savoir plus sur ce qui se passe près de chez toi en matière de développement durable et comment tu peux t’investir.

Pas de présentations, powerpoints ou de table ronde. Juste des gens, des bières, et la planète.

Ton événement locale est un endroit idéal pour commencer ton voyage ou continuer à apprendre, et pour rencontrer des personnes diverses pour discuter de la vie et de la façon dont nous pouvons la préserver. Tout travail concerne le climat, alors viens apprendre comment tu peux agir, ainsi que t’informer sur ce qui se passe localement.

Qui que tu sois nous t’accueillerons, quelle que soit ton expérience ou ton parcours. People Planet Pint est un espace où chacun peut se sentir à l’aise pour s’informer sur le développement durable et partager ses idées.

Après tout, la création d’un avenir durable nécessite des communautés connectées. Et quel meilleur moyen de rassembler tout le monde qu’autour d’un verre ?

Your Volunteer Hosts

Hermione Taylor

Ally Charlton

Our Sponsor

KRYSTAL are an award-winning, 100% green web hosting provider, with datacentres in the UK, US, & Europe. They are climate positive, and their approach centres on value, quality and transparency.

We are delighted to announce our partnership with Krystal (the UK’s only B Corp web hosting/cloud provider), and welcome them on board as sponsors of the People, Planet, Pint events.

This means the first 33 drinks are on Krystal at every event, and has allowed us to invest and upscale the series to accelerate action on climate change.

Simon Blackler is the founder and CEO of KRYSTAL, and Co-Founder of MillionTreePledge.

About Us

Small99 provides carbon reduction plans for micro and small businesses. With a simple measurement tool and practical actions broken down into 10 minute to-do lists, Small99 empowers the 99% of businesses to start on their sustainability journey, and win more customers while doing so.

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