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Are you committed to decarbonising your business, but unsure about the business case and how to finance it? This webinar will help you to overcome any obstacles you may face – be it buy in, resource or finance.

Our panel of experts will explore how to create a compelling business case which articulates the benefits, as well as the likely return on investment and payback periods you can expect from energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies. They will address the need to implement the right solutions, in the right order for maximum benefit and the best approach to finding support and partners, that will have the necessary expertise and skills to guide you through the decarbonisation process.

In addition, they will explore the green financing landscape to help you understand what support packages are available to businesses, including energy efficiency and carbon reduction grant schemes, the Boiler Upgrade Scheme, Workplace Charging Scheme and incentives like capital allowances and business rates reductions, as well as traditional finance including capital debt finance, green loans and asset finance.

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