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Join Future Leap as we unite businesses in a day filled with discovery, innovation and collaboration. Across four dynamic seminars, we’ll explore actionable strategies for businesses to champion sustainability, fostering education, knowledge-sharing, and the evolution of better practices.

Our seminars cover a diverse array of topics, from redefining transport to pioneering innovations in the built environment, sustainable business practices, ESG initiatives, and invaluable tips for communications and marketing. Be ready to hear from esteemed industry leaders and local trailblazers who will share their insights.

In between sessions, enjoy networking opportunities in our buzzy networking space or make use of our breakout space for smaller meetings and checking emails. Throughout the day, there will be sustainably sourced catering including breakfast, lunch and refreshments.

The urgency of climate and ecological crises emphasized in recent IPCC reports serves as a clarion call for collective action. This conference serves as a rallying point, inviting us all to amplify our efforts and drive sustainability forward.

The conference provides the platform and space for organisations and individuals to make vital connections, enabling collaboration under a common goal – to progress sustainability. Come and network with inspiring organisations, learn from engaging experts and get motivated to progress your sustainability journey.

We strive to ensure inclusivity and accessibility for all. Reach out to us for any accommodations you may require to enhance your experience at the event. Full details on the festival website.

This is a South Gloucestershire Council and Future Leap event.


Photo credit: Unsplash

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