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Welcome to a free evening celebrating local food and drink businesses in collaboration with YTKO. Join us for an event that’s all about recognising the successes of our community’s culinary entrepreneurs while emphasising sustainable practices.

Explore an array of stalls offering delicious tastings, and gain first-hand business insights and tips directly from the entrepreneurs themselves.

Whether you’re starting a new venture, aiming for business growth or just have a love of food, this event offers practical guidance and inspiration.

Don’t miss our panel discussion featuring local food thought leaders. Engage in conversations about sustainability, business triumphs, and community-driven initiatives. Learn from their experiences and take away strategies for a more sustainable future.

This event highlights the passion and innovation defining our local food and drink scene. Get ready to taste, learn, and find inspiration for your journey in the world of culinary entrepreneurship!

This event is completely free and is for all people and businesses who live or work in Bristol. We have priority wards that we would especially like to reach – the non-white Bristol population, women-led businesses, individuals with long term disability or health issues, and refugees – if you live or work in these wards, please let us know if we can do anything to support your attendance by emailing us at events@futureleap.co.uk.


Photo credit: Unsplash

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