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Meet others interested in sustainability in your community, share local stories and ideas, and accelerate local climate action.

People, Planet, Pastry

If you’re interested or curious about sustainability, come along to the People, Planet, Pastry event to meet like-minded business owners who are taking action on sustainability. Learn about what is going on locally, share insights on how to overcome barriers and make new friends!

This relaxed and informal event brings people together to learn more about sustainability and take action.

The sister event, People, Planet, Pint, brings people together to learn more and chat about climate, while our “Pastry” series is focused on empowering small businesses with the action they can take and where to start with sustainability.

While we will mostly be discussing businesses, this is an open event where anyone is welcome, so if you’re curious about what’s going on, come on down!

Your Volunteer Hosts

Hosted by the Enigma Sustainability Forum – we are a group of like-minded individuals working within the Enigma Business Park and Spring Lane area, who are committed to improving our local environment and supporting each other to reduce our carbon footprint. Come along and meet the team – Clare, Vic, Bex, Oli, Carl and Jim – all working for local businesses.

Clare works as the Sustainability Project Manager at Malvern Panalytical, working on reducing emissions and improving product sustainability within R&D. She is also involved in the Malvern Hills Car Club, lending ebikes out to locals for free trials. Clare can often be spotted around Malvern on her Dutch cargo bike, with her kids in the front seat.

Vic works at Westbridge Food Group, a global food importer, as the Responsible Sourcing Officer, involved in sustainability programmes and collaborations with industry groups to increase our impact on emissions reductions. As our head office is in Malvern, we are keen to support our local community and looking forward to meeting like-minded people and chatting about everyone’s net zero journeys.

Bex works as the Sustainability Coordinator for Smartbox Assistive Technology, a global leader in augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) technology. Working collaboratively across teams to measure and manage ongoing sustainability reporting, which helps focus on key sustainability initiatives. Often seen volunteering with Malvern Community Forest, a Malvern charity who aim to improve the biodiversity of community woodland and get people into green spaces.

About Us

Small99 is a platform that guides small business owners to Net Zero and avoids the overwhelm. Small99 organises the PPP events, with the belief that bringing people together will spark unexpected solutions to collaboration in tackling climate change.

Our Sponsor

Small99 is delighted to partner with Sage who will become our key People Planet Pastry sponsor.

The support of Sage will allow us to cover our event cost (including pastries), but also to expand to more cities and keep the conversations and decarbonisation actions growing.

Sage is helping SMBs decarbonise through tech solutions and education.

Conrad Langridge, Sage Earth:

“We have seen the success of the People Planet Pint series run by Adam and the team, and having attended a number of sessions we know the value this is bringing the small business community, we wanted to support People Planet Pastry series to build on that success but in a way that focuses on SMB decarbonisation as a direct action.”

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