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Curious about Small99 Action Box? Come and see it in action and ask any questions. Try before you buy!

Adam is hosting a live demonstration of the Small99 Action box workshop to give you a taster of what it contains.

In this 90 minute session, you will get to experience an accelerated version of the workshop facilitated by Adam himself. This is your chance to get a taste for the Small99 Action Box, see it in action and address any questions before you buy and/or run your first workshop.

You will also hear on how to make your workshops highly effective and impactful!

Come along to:

  • Experience the workshop;
  • Discover how to run the higher or lower game;
  • Find out how the action cards work;
  • See what materials and resources you get access to;
  • Ask questions!

For curious, yet to be customers

If you’re considering buying Small99’s Action Box, this is a great chance to find out how it works in practice and see everything you’ll get access to.

For existing customers

If you’ve already bought Small99’s Action Box, this is a great way to see it in action and build your confidence in running a session.

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