Join us for our hybrid event with great talks combining tech and sustainability. The event theme is tech meets clothing, with three brilliant speakers based in the South West – Tim Kindberg from Sust and Jen Wagner & Gary Lake from LAYBL
How you choose to join in is up to you! Join us either:
- In person at the Engine Shed, Bristol for pizza, drinks and a spot of mingling before the talks. Arrive at the Engine Shed from 6pm for a 6.30pm start.
- Or attend online and enjoy a welcoming and authentic Green Tech South West experience using CrowdCast. Join online from 6.20pm for a 6.30pm start.
Both sessions close at 8pm. For those in person we’ll move to a nearby pub for more networking.
Please tell us your preference for attending when you RSVP so we can order the right amount of food and drinks and prevent food waste or hungry bellies!
Why a clothing themed event?
Fashion’s carbon emissions are estimated at over two billion tonnes annually (McKinsey, 2020); that’s not to mention its massive water consumption, the poor pay and conditions of its workers creating them.
At the other end of the lifecycle, the equivalent of a rubbish truck of clothes is burnt or buried every second. The $1.7 trillion fashion industry creates a staggering volumes of waste. It’s time for change.
Talk 1: Getting Sust about Fashion
Sust ( is a digital platform designed to empower consumers to make more sustainable fashion choices, and motivate brands to make more sustainable items.
In this talk, Tim will introduce the Sust platform and describe how we address the challenges of creating a community of sustainably-minded shoppers who crowd-source the information they need, and act upon it.
Tim Kindberg is a Bristol-based writer and digital creative (, who worked as a senior researcher in academia and Silicon Valley before becoming an independent. He creates digital platforms that foster new and inclusive forms of creativity, and help us make sustainable choices.
Tim was also a speaker at our first ever Green Tech South West event – we’re excited to have him back to see how his work has progressed in the last few years.
Talk 2: Sustainable clothing and garment tracing with digital IDs
At LAYBL, we provide traceability, intelligence and circularity for products – from store to end of life – using unique Digital IDs.
In this talk, we’ll cover how:
- Our Digital IDs track from store to end of life, revealing a garment’s lifetime and analysis into what happens to our clothes after we get rid of them.
- We help clothing brands take a first step towards a Digital Passport for their products (an EU requirement by 2030).
- We make the process of being sustainable and responsible with your clothes frictionless.
Jen is co-founder and CEO of LAYBL. She’s spent most of her working life in the tech world, specifically working within ecommerce for fashion and household brands. Launching a tech product that reimagines a more sustainable and circular economy was never going to be easy, but she loves the challenge and the opportunity it brings to work with brands, companies and consumers that champion a more sustainable future.
Gary is co-founder and CTO of LAYBL. He works exclusively in ‘tech for good’ after realising that his career had begun to be defined by a culture of consumption without accountability. For Gary, LAYBL is a way to combine his expertise in UI/UX, ecommerce, data and platform integrations, with something that could help all of us be more accountable for the things we buy.
Our schedule is as follows:
18.00 – Engine Shed doors open for in-person attendees
18.20 – CrowdCast online room opens for online attendees
18.30 – Event starts with a welcome from your meet-up organisers, Ellen, Hannah and Mike
18.35 – Our famous 60 second intros – a chance for in-person and online attendees to introduce themselves, ask for help and tell us about something the group might find interesting
18.50 – Tim’s talk
19.15 – Jen and Gary’s talk
19.35 – Questions
19.50 – Round-up, other community notices and next event announcement
20.00 – Event close. In person attendees can continue to informal networking at The Sidings pub opposite.
The event will be recorded and will be available along with slides shortly after. For those online attendees, we’ll email the joining link ahead of the event.
This event is made possible by the kind sponsor from: