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Trees4Croydon is an initiative led by the Croydon Climate Action group, under Change Drivers (a registered UK charity). This is a mass participation initiative focussed on moving (walking, running, cycling or traveling by wheelchair) and raising funds for tree planting in less advantaged parts of the borough, including Broad Green and West Thornton. More detail is available on our website.

The event runs for 5 weeks from the 10th of June. We will use an app (atlasGO) that allows teams to chat, selfies to be posted and leaderboards of progress viewed to stimulate light competition!

Miles moved will unlock sponsorship from companies and grant money. It’s designed to be inclusive and fun, but with a critically important objective and message! Multiple events during these 5 weeks will be held by participants to stimulate engagement and progress.

Over and above tree planting, a second important objective is to use this to build climate change awareness and develop connections and cohesion across organisations and between individuals.

All key constituencies are invited: businesses, NGOs/ charities, public sector organisations, schools and colleges, faith groups, care homes, community groups and friends and family.

The call to action: please register a team. Teams could be made up of employees, peers, friends etc. To register, download “atlasGO: wellbeing” from your app store, enter t4c2023 as your code, and set up your team. and then get your team on too.

If you would like to discuss how this might work best for you, let’s talk! Just mail me at sambaker@impactstrategy2030.com.

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