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Meet others interested in sustainability in your community, share local stories and ideas, and accelerate local climate action.

People, Planet, Pastry

Don’t forget to bring your own containers!

If you’re interested or curious about sustainability, come along to the People, Planet, Pastry event to meet like-minded business owners who are taking action on sustainability. Learn about what is going on locally, share insights on how to overcome barriers and make new friends!

This relaxed and informal event brings people together to learn more about sustainability and take action.

The sister event, People, Planet, Pint, brings people together to learn more and chat about climate, while our “Pastry” series is focused on empowering small businesses with the action they can take and where to start with sustainability.

While we will mostly be discussing businesses, this is an open event where anyone is welcome, so if you’re curious about what’s going on, come on down!

Your Volunteer Host

Sabira Hasham is a Sustainability and Finance Consultant helping your business secure long term goals and go greener, all through making it financial sense! With various corporate roles behind her, she is now involved with impact making with her recent work around helping a dance academy combatting local mental health with a government bid, helping a specialist childcare agency improve on internal processes and acting as a Trustee in the Audit & Risk Committee with Royal Society of Blind Children.

She strongly believes people working in finance are well placed to transition the economy to being sustainable and you will find her challenging the current economic models!

Sabira puts importance of connection and experiences above all else so loves to travel when she is away from her desk.

About Us

Small99 is a platform that guides small business owners to Net Zero and avoids the overwhelm. Small99 organises the PPP events, with the belief that bringing people together will spark unexpected solutions to collaboration in tackling climate change.

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